Freak Alley Gallery is the northwest's largest open-air, multi-artist mural gallery, located between 8th and 9th street and Bannock and Idaho in Downtown Boise.
In 2002, the first drawing was created by Colby Akers on the back alley doorway of Moon's Cafe. Over the years, the Gallery blossomed into the true work of art it is today. Now, the murals and graffiti-inspired artwork extend well beyond the single doorway; artwork can be seen throughout the entire alley. It couldn’t have been done without the hundreds of participants, volunteers, and community members who support the Gallery. Artists add new works of art every year, creating an ever growing and changing experience for all. Each summer a large painting event is held which allows artists and community members to be apart of the Freak Alley Gallery as it transforms.
Without fundraising and donations the Alley would not be what it is today. Due to these efforts made by the Boise community, Freak Alley is creating something so much bigger than the Alley itself.
Historic Photo of Freak Alley Gallery: A Growing Vision.
Artwork by Colby Akers.